Prayer for deliverance of children from child molestors

Pray the following prayer with faith in the Lord God and mercy towards children:

O Lord God, I come before you on behalf of the children of the world. I ask for their protection from potential child molesters and rapists. In the name of Jesus Christ, I ask for your intervention in every place of the world especially where such crimes happen a lot. Cause the people and rulers of the land to genuinely and vigorously oppose child sexual abuse in all its forms and manifestations. Strike forth your arrows O Lord of hosts and scatter away all evil spirits that tempt sinners to molest children. Let your angels of justice strike and repel all such evil entities.

I also pray for those children who are already affected by molesters and rapists. Deliver them from evil and rescue those in pain and distress. Lord I pray that your Holy Spirit inspires people to fight for the welfare and safety of such affected children. Give the workers of justice success in their rescue plans for these ill treated youngsters. By your light expose all those unrepentant molesters and rapists that they are stopped well and harm no more. In the name of Jesus Christ I ask for rescue and justice in such situations.

I pray for those who are indulging in child sexual abuse, that their eyes open and they stop sinning. Let them do only good and totally turn away from their crimes. Cause them to let go of the children they hold captive without any further harm. I may not know who’s willing to repent but I still pray for their souls. May they bear fruits that befit repentance.

I pray that any form of literature, art or entertainment which promotes or shows child sex abuse is totally banned in all countries. Let your sword of justice work against on all corrupters of humanity who sell or distribute such vile media. Cause the buyers of these things to decrease in number. May the government push such perversion peddlers out of their nation. Let your justice prevail in the land that there be safety for the children of the world. I ask all this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Note: This prayer is not and is never meant to be a substitute for actual actions to rescue children who are in danger of molestation or already in affected by molesters. Please do refer to your local laws about what is ethical and legal to tackle child molesters of all sorts. Though this is a generalised prayer you can keep in mind any specific children or place where child abuse occurs, and use this prayer.

Posted on August 31, 2015, in Prayer tips and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. I really like these prayers you post. I am not the best prayer in the world as I am still learning. It’s nice to have examples so thank you


  2. When we pray we give God the oppurtinity to intervene in these childrens lives
    So plz keep praying
    We have a just God and He does not force Himself into a situation unless we pray
    If we do not pray who will ?
    He lives in us so when we declare and pray in the spirit there are always changes taking place

    Liked by 1 person

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