Category Archives: Poems

Jonah preached and Nineveh repented

The prophet Jonah received God’s voice again,
And this time he went to Nineveh’s domain.
Grateful to the Lord in his heart and mind,
Jonah boldly preached to Nineveh’s humankind.

“Forty days from now Nineveh will be destroyed!” ,
Thus Jonah proclaimed but it didn’t go void.
For the Ninevites believed God all in all,
Right from their king to the small.

They fasted in sackcloth and prayed,
And from sinning they all stayed.
They gave up their violence and evil ways,
And unto God most merciful they gave praise.

The eyes of Jehovah are sharper than all,
He knows the heart of the rich and the small.
Then the Lord God in his mercy towards them relented,
From his holy judgement, for they had repented.

And God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; and God repented of the evil, that he had said that he would do unto them; and he did it not. (Jonah 3:10)

Will you stand up for the Lord?

In this age of darkness and deception,
Will you have the right perception?
In these times of hate and violence,
Will you just sit down in silence?

In seasons when blasphemers abound,
Will the good faith in you be found?
In moments when corruptors of humanity speak,
Will your trust in God go all weak?

Remember you have been given life eternal,
And have rejected all ways infernal.
Remember you have confessed the good faith true,
And have chosen to be in God’s fellowship too.

If you choose to be one with divine accord,
Then will you stand up for the Lord?
If you wish to fight the good fight,
Then will you carry your cross both day and night?


Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses. (1 Timothy 6:12)

Do you have room for Jesus Christ?

Many score years ago in Bethlehem town,
Mary and Joseph went all around.
For the Son of God was to be born,
The Redeemer of the world as God sworn.

They went to seek room for his birth,
So the Savior be manifest on earth,
But no room in any inn they could find,
Due to the Roman census decree assigned.

So, in a humble stable, they stayed,
And there, the darkness began to fade.
For Jesus, the son of God, was born,
Destined to overcome every sinful horn.

Christ Jesus, fully God and fully man,
Went to fulfill God’s holy plan.
Those who trust in him will be saved,
If they repent from each path depraved.

So, for Jesus in faith, open up your heart,
Make room for Christ and never go apart.
Be humble living with Christ each day,
Let him be in your heart each time you pray.


Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me. (Revelation 3:20)

Cast your burdens unto Jesus

O you who are burdened take heed,
Come to Jesus with your need.
Why be down with worry forever?
Why not petition God in your endeavor?

Cast your burdens unto Jesus entirely,
And cast them all unto him regularly.
For he cares for you,
Let this be your sign and clue.

Cast unto Jesus your fear and vanity,
And ask him for peace and sanity.
Reject the bad and accept the truth,
And by trust in God renew your youth.

​Great is the Lord Jesus 

Majestic in glory and splendor,
With his mercy mild and tendor.
Jesus is at God’s right hand,
And to him belong​​s the land.

No longer in suffering and pain,
He’ll come back to earth again.
Jesus is the Redeemer of the world,
And by him salvation has unfurled.

The Lamb of God he who is pure.
He is God’s word that will endure.
Jesus is higher than all creation,
And to him belongs adoration.

The Name which is above all names,
Unto him the holy angels sing acclaims.
Jesus is the high priest of God above,
And by him come heaven’s mercy and love.



Fear no demon

Call upon Jesus for he is mighty to save,
Against all evil spirits who try to enslave.
Fear no demon and their vile lot,
Call upon God to untangle their knot.

Build up your faith by prayer and fasting,
And believing the Scriptures everlasting.
Claim your authority in courageous prayer,
And against all ungodliness beware.

Cast out all spirits that are malicious,
Banish all spirits that are vicious.
Rescue those who call for deliverance,
Preach to them true worship observance.

Rebuke the demons let them flee,
But in such things don’t take glee.
That your names are written in heaven,
For this let your joy within leaven.

Take up your cross and follow Him

Take up your cross and follow Him,
And crucify every fleshly whim.
Take up your cross and follow Him,
And sing to God a holy hymn.

Take up your cross and follow Him,
And avoid an eternal fate that’s grim.
Take up your cross and follow Him,
And fill up your faith beyond the brim.

Take up your cross and follow Him,
And don’t let your lamp grow dim.
Take up your cross and follow Him,
And don’t fear for life nor limb.

Let the light of Jesus shine

When darkness is all around,
And sin has people bound.
Then don’t be dismayed,
But make sure you have prayed.

Let the light of Jesus shine,
When your faith does align.
Let the light of Jesus shine,
When your good works combine.

Pray for deliverance for others,
In Christ your sisters and brothers.
Pray for those who have nothing,
So that in good things they be abounding.

Let the light of Jesus shine,
Feed the poor and let them dine.
Not just only food and water,
But save them from spiritual slaughter.

Work out your faith in thought and action,
So that it gives a wise and holy reaction.
Let the light of Jesus shine,
Continue to bear fruit like a good vine.

Do this in memory of Him

Do this in memory of me,
Said Jesus Christ to the faithful to be,
When he gave His disciples wine and bread,
Soon to partake His blood that was shed.

For the Savior of the world would die,
By the cross to all salvation supply.
To receive this salvation one has to believe,
That Jesus overcame the sin of Adam and Eve.

For there is no forgiveness without the shedding of blood,
Jesus is God’s standard against the enemy’s flood.
The Lamb of God gave up his body to be crucified,
That those who who believe in Him be justified.

Therefore, break this bread and drink this wine,
And in this your faith, praise and worship combine.
Never forget, do this in memory of Him,
Till he comes back again sing forth this hymn.

Waiting Patiently ~

If were to remain,and wait patientlywe must be willingto do so obediently. For a heart anxious,is one restlessand it often feelsdreary and listless. If were to remain,and wait graciouslywe must be willingto do so expectantly. For a mind fretful,is one hopelessand it often feelsweak and helpless. If we’re to remain,hopeful and upbeatwe cannot let manour […]

Waiting Patiently ~